The WIT Network

Negotiation Skills For The Empowered Woman

 Negotiations Do Not Need To Be Stressful

In reality, negotiations do not need to be offensive. They should be a positive movement forward and it is all about getting to the best solution for all parties involved. Whether you are negotiating for a pay raise, promotion, who is going to make dinner or your kids doing their homework, there is an art and science to negotiating that every woman should have in their tool kit.

This is a very interactive workshop where you will practice your negotiations to ensure you master the techniques. Whether it is a past negotiation you wish you could do over or you have one coming up, this workshop will help you build your confidence to ensure all negotiations are powerful and successful.

Survey responses from last cohort:
  • "Corinne´s experience was reflected during all the session, her expertise offering communication alternatives was awesome; sometimes you say something but you can always communicate it in a better way, using an appropriate speech, I learned more options today!"
  • "The content, it was well organized and delivered very professionally."
  • "The actual practice exercises are applicable to real life scenarios both personally and professionally. I had no idea how much I actually have to negotiate every day!"

Program Details
This dynamic and interactive workshop will help participants eliminate those fears of negotiation with tips, tricks, and techniques to:
  • Develop a more open mind set when it comes to preparing, planning, and executing a negotiation
  • Understanding the unique differences in how men and women negotiate differently
  • Practice makes perfect (or at least ensuring you are happy with the outcome)
  • Getting rid of the stress and make negotiation a sport

Ideal Participants
This workshop is ideal for women at any age and stage of their career. We begin negotiating when we are a child. If you have fears or bad habits, we will help you overcome them. If you want to learn how to be a better negotiator and/or mentor others, please join us to learn:

  1. How men and women negotiate differently
  2. Defining a "good deal" and advance preparation
  3. Mistakes and how to avoid them
  4. Interactive exercises to practice your skills

Time Commitment

This workshop is 2 hours in length with an optional 30-minute open coaching session at the end for those who would like further help with their negotiation skills and tacticts.  


Non-Member Individual Program Fee

Member Individual Program Fee

Corporate Member 4-Pack

Dedicated Cohort for your Company

$250 USD

$150 USD 

$400 USD for 4 people

$3000 USD for up to 40 individuals


How to sign up for open cohorts

You can reserve a seat at an upcoming cohort by clicking the button. We will capture your interest in participating. You do not need to provide any payment at this time. Once we receive the minimum number of participants, we will notify you of the upcoming cohort for you to officially register.

If you would like to purchase a dedicated cohort for your company, please contact or reach out to your dedicated Membership Account Manager.

About Corinne Sharp

Corinne Sharp has been working in the IT sector for 35+ years leading sales, marketing, and channel teams both at Fortune 100 companies as well as start up and re-imagined software companies. Corinne has held leadership roles with Microsoft, General Electric and President of Sharp Perspective Inc. and held Chief Revenue Office roles at various clients building their sales, marketing and channel teams.

She is a Co-Founder of The WIT Network, a global and local organization focused supporting women in their pursuits of careers in the technology sector. She led the strategic growth direction of this global not for profit along with leading marketing, programs and sales initiatives to help grow the network to over 13,000  members globally.

Sharing these global experiences and key learnings are what drives Corinne to help organizations and individuals to pursue their dreams. With all these passions and business pursuits, along with being a wife and mom, Corinne's energy and spirit is contagious.
Pay-It-Forward Sponsorship Available

As a not-for-profit, we rely on the generosity of sponsorship to allow us to run multiple cohorts to support both your employees and donate spots to other members of The WIT Network who otherwise would not have the opportunity to attend.

You can sponsor a full or partial cohort of 40 women for the Negotiate Like an Empowered Woman program. For this philanthropic gesture you receive:

Guaranteed 5 or 10 seats in a cohort aligned with your sponsorship level.

  • Participate in the cohort time zone scheduling in collaboration with The WIT Network.
  • A speaker spot during the program to share your company story and commitment to support women’s career journeys.
  • You donate the remaining seats back into The WIT Network for others to participate.
  • A tax receipt for the full value of your donation.

Please contact if you are interested in paying it forward and sponsoring a cohort of with The WIT Network,