The WIT Network

Local Communities

Global Community Network
Connecting women around the world for inspiration, support, mentoring and networking

Networking and community building among women is vital for fostering support, professional growth, and career advancement. These connections offer mentorship and connection to help women navigate the unique challenges they face in the industry. Experienced professionals can provide guidance, share insights, and offer practical advice to those just starting out, creating a supportive environment that bolsters confidence and resilience.

•    We have 50+ active communities
•    Being part of a local community board offers leadership experience
•    Join a dynamic and collaborative team
•    Give back to your local community and the women of ages and stages who live there

Networking for Life

Networking opens doors to numerous opportunities.

Women can share knowledge, resources, and best practices, enhancing their skills and stay updated on industry trends. Collaborative projects often arise from these connections, leading to new and exciting career opportunities. Increase your visibility in the industry, paving the way for speaking engagements, awards, and other forms of acknowledgment that are crucial for career advancement.

Join your local community today and empower your personal network for success!

Building a strong community empowers women to advocate for better policies and practices within their organizations and the broader tech industry. A united front can challenge stereotypes, promote diversity, and work towards a more inclusive and equitable workplace. This sense of belonging combats feelings of isolation, particularly for those who might be in the minority in their workplaces and fosters a culture of shared success and mutual support.

Ultimately, networking and community building among women in tech lead to personal empowerment, professional growth, and a stronger, more inclusive industry.

Global Community Directory

Ready to join your local community? Awesome! Send an email to us at to be connected to your local community leadership team. We can't wait to meet you!

Don't see a community near you? Click here and let's figure this out!

North America

Latin America


Asia Pacific



 Czech Republic


 California: Central



 India: Mumbai

 California: Northern



 India: New Delhi

 California: Southern


 New Zealand







 Georgia: Atlanta



 Illinois: Chicago

 South Africa

 New England


 New Jersey


 New York: Buffalo

 New York: New York   City

 North Carolina:   Raleigh

 Pennsylvania:   Philadelphia

 South Carolina:       Greenville

 Texas: Austin

 Texas: Houston

 Washington:   Seattle/Bellevue

 Washington, D.C.


 British Columbia


 Quebec: Montreal

 Toronto: GTA   Downtown

 Toronto: GTA East

 Toronto: GTA West

 Toronto: GTA North

Don’t see a community in your local geography?

Consider volunteering to lead a local community for The WIT Network!  

Leading a community helps to build a supportive network, allowing women to navigate opportunities and challenges together. As a Community Leader, your role is multifaceted and impactful. This benefits you personally, professionally, and you'll make a difference in your community. 

You can also directly address barriers women face in tech, create tailored resources, and establish mentorship programs, ensuring long-term support and sustainability. In this way, your leadership not only contributes to your own growth but also leaves a lasting impact on the industry, fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment for future generations.

What skills are needed to be a community leader?

First and foremost, you possess a passion for networking and supporting women in the technology ecosystem. Other skills to be developed/strengthened: 

  • Leadership
  • Marketing and Communication
  • Event Planning
  • Collaboration

On a personal level, leading such a community can be empowering, building your leadership skills, self-confidence, and providing a sense of fulfillment from giving back to a supportive network.

Professionally, it offers significant advantages like expanding your network, enhancing project management and public speaking skills, and potentially opening doors for career advancement due to increased visibility and recognition.

On a broader scale, you might be driven by a passion for advocating gender equality and diversity within the tech industry. By serving as a role model, you can inspire other women and girls to pursue tech careers and leadership roles.

Interested in learning more about becoming a Community Leader? Fantastic!
Send us an email at to connect with our leadership team.

We're ready to build communities in these cities.

Are you in? Outstanding! Send us an email at

North America

Latin America


Asia Pacific

United States

 Michigan: Detroit



 North Dakota


 Texas: Dallas



 Ontario: Ottawa