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HERstory: Own your growth with Kara Rudy

Kara Rudy, a self-described techie at heart, embarked on her first marketing role in the tech field with a mix of anxiety and excitement. The tech industry, known for its rapid evolution from VoIP to cloud computing and now AI, offered her endless opportunities to grow, learn, and mentor—activities she views as constants in her career. Now the Vice President of Marketing at Compugen Inc., Canada’s largest privately-owned Technology Ally, Kara recently shared her story with The WIT Network, and we’re eager to bring it to you!

From the moment you meet Kara, it's evident she is a growth-minded leader with a passion for mentoring others. Embodying an entrepreneurial mindset, Kara is a firm believer that "you get out what you put in"—and she’s spent her career actively carving out opportunities that go beyond the conventional boundaries of her role. 

In the fast-paced tech marketing world, she emphasizes the necessity of staying ahead: "If you don’t have a handle on what’s coming, you’re already behind." Her proactive approach isn't just about staying informed; it's about promoting inclusion, seeking out diverse perspectives, engaging with a wide array of professional networks, and leveraging the power of data to inform business strategy. Kara is an avid reader of the Harvard Business Review and invests time in keeping herself current with the latest business, tech, and marketing trends. This underscores her dedication to continuous learning and leading by example in the tech sector.

Building her domain: Leadership and learning
Kara recently became the Vice President of Marketing at Compugen, Inc. in Canada, a significant step following her successful venture with MarketDesign Co., a consulting firm she built into a multi-million-dollar business focused on technology clients across the US. Under her leadership, MarketDesign Co. grew to cover everything from marketing and sales to operations and executive management, demonstrating her wide-ranging expertise.

Reflecting on her achievements, Kara points to the success and acquisition of MarketDesign Co. by Compugen as proof of her effectiveness and influence in the tech industry. I’ve spent a lot of time in the tech space and recognize the nuances of it, said Kara. My success building and leading MarketDesign Co. demonstrates that all voices, capability, and leadership are being recognized. When you give yourself an opportunity to be heard, people will listen.

Kara believes that her leadership acumen is only one part of her success story. At this stage in my career, I recognize that I do have a lot of knowledge to share, and I have a lot to learn. I think it’s rare to find a leader who oscillates so fluidly between the two, she observed.

This mindset has been instrumental in cultivating environments of empathy and respect within her teams at both MarketDesign Co. and now at Compugen, something Kara sees as essential for healthy and high-functioning organizations. 

I think there has to be a high level of empathy and respect for people on your team. They need to know and believe that you’re pushing them to be better because you believe they are capable, not because you want them to fail, Kara explained. This philosophy stems from her personal career experiences, having had opportunities to grow throughout organizations with little oversight, resulting in her deep commitment to fostering growth and respect in her professional interactions.

Every moment you spend with someone is an opportunity to help them grow while feeling seen, heard, and appreciated, Kara stated.

In one of her first big projects at Compugen, Kara led a transformative rebranding initiative that resulted in a new marketing-led, sales-driven strategy. With cross-departmental collaboration and key stakeholder engagement, Kara championed the project which wound up instilling a renewed sense of company pride and enthusiasm for Compugen’s 1200+ employees.

Kara's inclusive approach involved numerous team members in the rebranding process, from feedback sessions to brand ambassadorship, highlighting her belief in the importance of investing in people as much as in the brand itself. This helped facilitate the shift in the company's go-to-market positioning, providing greater clarity, focus, and unity for all stakeholders. Kara’s efforts to bridge the gap between executive visions and ground-level operations further exemplified her commitment to inclusive and empathetic leadership, ensuring that every voice was heard and valued on the journey of change.

A fresh perspective on inclusivity: integration and initiative 
Kara’s advocacy for diversity and inclusion is rooted in the conviction that policies and practices must go beyond quotas to ensure that the right person is in the right seat, focusing on creating equitable opportunities for all to demonstrate their capabilities and meaningfully contribute to a company’s goals. 
Departing from the traditional DEI playbook, Kara claims that, "True inclusivity emerges when we stop segmenting people, ideas, and conversations and pave the way for a more cohesive and collaborative work culture." In other words, ensuring that individuals have equitable access to information, knowledge, and learning opportunities is key in making progress for all.

Poised for impact
Kara Rudy’s journey and leadership style offer valuable insights into how powerful approaches to personal growth and a balanced blend of high expectations with support can drive positive change in the tech industry. Her continued influence at Compugen and among the teams she leads is poised to be profound, setting a benchmark for future leaders in tech and beyond. Kara's story is not just about personal achievement; it's a model for leaders everywhere to embrace continuous learning, inclusivity, and empathetic leadership as cornerstones of impact. 

HERstory is The WIT Network’s series where we share interesting and inspiring career journeys of women in our community.  We welcome the opportunity to tell your story or someone you would like to nominate. Reach out to if you have a great HERstory we should consider.