Empower Yourself to be an Ally
BeCOME #ALLIES – New Programs
The WIT Network, in partnership with Gavriella Schuster, an iconic leader in the tech space, Board Advisor to The WIT Network, and an advocate of allyship at all levels, is changing how leaders look at allyship. We are reaching into our networks and legions of leaders to help others BeCOME true #ALLIES. We will educate, amplify and pledge to support leaders and organizations who do better in their organizational make up of gender equality around the board room table and at all levels of leadership.

Gavriella Schuster
DEI Advocate
Board Advisor, The WIT Network
Watch What Allyship Means to a Company Culture HERE

Everyone's an Ally Programs
We are changing this together and The WIT Network is actively recruiting allies to show how it is done easily, effectively and in return, driving real business growth results as research shows more workplace diversity drives better business results. The #ALLIES training and programming is not only for men; women can also benefit from listening and learning how to become a true Ally. After all, everyone’s an ally, or should be!
Allies On-Line Training
MENtoring Circles
Men as Allies Power Panel

- 20 learning modules focused on allyship – learn and listen at your own pace
- Guided peer-group discussions with your peers facilitated by industry leaders
- Coaching opportunities on how to lead differently with new listening and coaching skills you didn’t know you needed
1. Introductions | Overview | Framework
This is the first phase of the Allies journey. You will join your peer-group cohort, share your objectives and experiences and the impacts that has on your business today. You will be introduced to Rali on-line learning modules that will open your eyes to what other’s experience in your teams or company culture.
2. Advocate | Listen | Lift
By now your awareness has peaked and you are flabbergasted that these behaviours happen let alone in your company. You are on your way to being an agent of change. This next facilitated discussion is all about what to do next with this new knowledge including how to change the culture dynamics and lead differently.
3. Include | Elevate | Sponsor
How you are showing up as a leader is different now. People are noticing and it is becoming contagious. Both women and men are noticing a shift in how women are being supported and sponsored within the organization. Not only are you attracting more talent, but your retention stats are also going up for your diverse employees.
4. How to Be and Build Allies
Now it is time to pay it forward as you can’t be the only Ally in your company. You have spent time with your peer group listening, learning and putting it into action. The sharing across your peers has been an incredible experience as no one talks about these issues. You do and can now lead your leaders toward better business results.