Blog: Setting goals that you can live with
Setting goals that you can live with and stick with

For many, a new year means new goals and resolutions. However, by mid-February, we often find ourselves slipping back into old habits or losing sight of the goals we’ve set out. Yet, year after year, we keep setting goals, sometimes the same goals, in the hope that—this time—we’ll reach them.
Establishing goals is good for us. They give us a sense of meaning and purpose. Having career goals helps to keep us interested and engaged even when the work isn’t always interesting or engaging. If we see that we are making progress toward what we want, we feel motivated.
However, falling short of our goals, not making the progress we want, or losing sight of them altogether can leave us with feelings of frustration or failure.
Action for Happiness lists seven steps to take to help make your goals more achievable.
Seven actions toward goal success
- Decide
- Write it down
- Tell someone (even better, tell multiple people that can hold you accountable)
- Break down your goal into actionable steps
- Plan how to reach your first step using verbs
- Stay focussed and keep going
- Celebrate reaching each step along the way
The truth is, once you start moving in the right direction, the goal itself becomes less of a focus and more of a reinforcement of the journey and the decisions you’re making along the way. The sense of accomplishment and feeling of heading where you want to go are rewarding in themselves.
The problem with the seven steps and our solution
While the seven steps are valid, the first step, decide, can set you up for failure. You need to ensure that the goals are realistic, focused, and align with your values. Additionally, not having actionable plans, practical strategies, or a robust support network can detract from the journey and success. Part of effective goal planning and strategy must be taking control of your home and work life so that you can execute your plan with the space and support you need already in place.
Julie Simpson, CEO of ResourceIT and co-founder of The WIT Network, hosted a great WIT Wellness Webinar: New Year, New You - Taking Control in 2022. She shared how to take control and set realistic, sustainable goals that will see you through 2022 and beyond.
- Identify your top 3 goals
- Take control at work and home with grace and purpose
- Say good bye to guilt and hello to joy
Let’s make 2022 the year we set realistic, sustainable goals and take control of our lives so that we can achieve them.