Blog: HER Story Alexandra Hanke
HER Story
Embracing ambition and passion with Alexandra Hanke

As Chief Relationship Officer for the managed Microsoft Partner Skaylink GmbH, I am a passionate advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the tech industry—and across all sectors. That‘s why I founded The WIT Network Germany community in 2016 and the IAMCP DEI chair Germany in 2019. I am also part of the IAMCP DEI EMEA committee.
In my daily job, I am responsible for the evolution of Skaylink to become a leading Microsoft Partner in DACH. I believe in the power of networking, unity, and the impact of partner2partner models, and I‘m proud to serve both Skaylink and Microsoft on this very inspiring journey.
A balancing act
My favorite saying is, ambition achieves goals, passion attains happiness. To be genuinely successful in your career and personal life, you need a balance of both. I am ambitious, and I also cannot function without passion. That is why I am a true believer in planned chances and always trust my gut feelings.
I believe everyone should have goals and aspirations but also dare to adapt them to the opportunities given—and there is always an opportunity if you are brave enough to look out for one. I love helping people seize those opportunities, reach those goals, and find success.
Seizing opportunities and taking chances
My role models have rarely stemmed from the IT industry but instead come from many other areas of life, such as art and culture. They have taught me to be courageous and open to opportunities and exciting chances, to always learn, and to maintain balance in life.
Taking wisdom from diverse perspectives has helped me look beyond and dream big. Having the courage to act on exciting opportunities has shaped my life.
When I was young, I wanted to be a surgeon, working in countries that needed medical help the most. My passion for and profession in IT was purely coincidental—one of these planned chances I previously mentioned.
I grew up in a small town in the Alps (where The Sound of Music was filmed) and enjoyed a wonderful education. I received a scholarship to the UWCSEA in Singapore to do my IB and a scholarship to start a university degree in the USA. I then finished university at the LMU in Munich. I will always be so grateful for the chance to experience such a diversity of cultures at such a young age.
When a career in IT presented itself to me, I jumped at the opportunity. Looking back at my journey over the last twenty years, I know I am exactly where I am supposed to be at this stage of my life.
Finding harmony and support
Next to my family (my husband and my 17-year-old daughter), The WIT Network means the world to me and is a huge part of my work/life harmony. I am so proud of our community here in Germany and that we have this opportunity to be part of an incredible international network. I could never offer our current program, Beyond the Bubble 2022, for the German community without my organizational team, called The Fabulous 5. I am so very grateful for their support, brilliance, and humor.
It‘s invigorating to be surrounded and supported by like-minded women and allies.
For anyone at the start of their career journey, my advice is to find your support network, always have courage and never forget to be kind! So many more doors open when kindness knocks.
Chief Relationship Officer Microsoft, Skaylink GmbH
Founder The WIT Network Germany
IAMCP DEI Chair Germany
Member of the IAMCP DEI EMEA committee