The WIT Network

Blog: 5 places find courage when your legs wobble

Five places to find courage when your legs wobble

Fighting systemic oppression and changing corporate cultures is hard, emotionally draining, and often intimidating work. No one said being an agent of change would be easy, but it’s worth it to build a better, more inclusive world for the generations who will follow.

When you feel your legs are wobbling, that the change required may be too great and you need a shot of courage, try finding some in one of these five places.

#1 In the eyes of someone who reminds you of you when you were younger.

Pick someone that tugs at a part of you—whether a child, a teenager on the cusp of adulthood or a woman just embarking on her career. Draw strength in remembering how far you’ve already come. Draw courage from knowing that you are paving a path for them and making their journey easier.

#2 In the pages of a book that fills you with fire.

It doesn’t have to be a non-fiction book such as Dare to Lead. If Katniss Everdeen and her bow and arrow pump you up, then sink into The Hunger Games trilogy (or the movies if you’re time crunched).

#3 In your own body.

Go for a run. Throw an axe. Lift something heavy. Strike a warrior pose. Do something physical that connects you with your energy and your physical strength. Getting the blood pumping or striking a fearless stance will do wonders for your confidence level.

#4 In your own narrative.

The stories we tell ourselves are powerful. How our internal narrator speaks to us can build us up or tear us down. So, tell yourself a tale of who you are and who you can be.

Your narrative can be a mantra you repeat. It can be a superhero story where you swoop in and save the day. It can be a rhyming couplet. It doesn’t matter the form of your story. What matters is that it is positive self-talk that bolsters you (and that you believe it).

#5 In our community.

Gain courage from each other and in knowing you’re supported. Join a community. Attend an event. Come to a mentoring circle. Find out what’s happening and get involved. Take confidence in knowing that we are here for you.