The WIT Network

Announcing WIT Connects

Announcing WIT Connects: Creating connections in a disconnected world

In today’s fast-paced world, women often find themselves struggling to make meaningful connections, both personally and professionally. This challenge is accentuated for those working remotely, balancing a multitude of responsibilities at home, or simply finding little time for social interaction. The sense of isolation can be palpable, especially for mothers whose social opportunities are often limited by the innate rhythms of caretaking.

Some of us may justify our sparse connections with the busy season that we’re in – there are certainly times that we need to pull back  to get through a set of circumstances. However when these seasons of too busy seem to string together for months or years at a time, we risk forfeiting relationships that are not only desirable, but essential.

The Undeniable Impact of Networking

The importance of maintaining relationships with family and friends has been recognized as a core tenant of mental health and overall wellbeing for a while now. Are work relationships really that important? Turns out that, for many, they are.

The old adage It’s not what you know, it’s who you know holds just as true today. In fact, one report revealed that around 70% of all jobs are not publicly advertised, and a staggering 85% of positions are filled through personal and professional networks! This highlights the importance of networking in career advancement, and how professional connections carry both power and influence in today's job market.

Read the blog: The ‘new normal’ of Networking: Adapting to a post-pandemic world

Not all professional relationships are created equal. Those who engage in mentoring relationships not only benefit from accelerated professional development and valuable network connections – an overwhelming 87% report feeling empowered and more confident thanks to mentorship. Furthermore, those who mentor colleagues report reduced anxiety and a more meaningful job experience compared to those who do not. It’s a win-win (and we didn’t even touch on the benefits to employers!).

So, great! Mentorship for all, right?! Not so fast. Turns out 63% of women have never had a formal mentor, which means the majority of women may be falling short of their professional potential. This critical issue must be resolved if women are to have equitable access to career growth and advancement opportunities and continue to bring invaluable innovation and leadership to employers and the tech industry.  

Introducing WIT Connects, our new networking platform

That’s why The WIT Network is proud to be soon launching WIT Connects. Inspired by hundreds of exchanges with members around the challenges of networking, this innovative platform will enable women across the globe to forge connections with other members.

You will be able to find and connect with other women in tech based on location, role, shared interests, and more, offering an intentional, targeted platform for your networking efforts.

Launching February 2024, WIT Connects will allow members to:

1.      Find a mentor to develop specific skills for your career or personal life

2.      Connect with women in your travel destinations

3.      Meet peers in similar professional roles

4.      Engage in our "Mentoring in 30 Minutes" program

We are thrilled to provide one solution to the challenges of connecting and mentor-matching and cannot wait to hear about the relationships forged between amazing women through this enhanced networking platform.

Help shape WIT Connects

As we prepare for the launch, you can help make WIT Connects a success by taking the Peer Group Survey HERE.

Happy Connecting!